• Stuart Mullinger

    A highly experienced technical developer with a keen interest in the Umbraco CMS.
    Take a look at my projects to see the problems that I like to get stuck into.

My Expertise


My recent roles have involved the back-end development of major websites using .NET MVC. I have spent a large proportion of my time customising Umbraco (a content management system) to meet the customers' needs.

Web Apps

From my own project planning and monitoring application to a full web chat system, I have been fortunate enough to work with a large range of technologies to develop interesting and exciting web applications.

Machine Learning

What I enjoy most is learning something new and applying it to create something amazing. In recent years I have passed a number of online courses in machine learning and am always keen to learn new technologies.

Mobile Apps

Some years ago I developed a number of native mobile applications for both iOS and Android. Test yourself on Italian verb conjugations or fly around a to-scale solar system simulation.

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